
  • On 2-complexes embeddable in 4-space, and the excluded minors of their underlying graphs
    with Agelos Georgakopoulos
  • Energies on coned convex polytopes
    with Robert Connelly, Steven J. Gortler, Louis Theran
  • The stress-flex conjecture
    with Robert Connelly, Steven J. Gortler, Louis Theran
  • Kalai’s \(3^d\) conjecture for unconditional and locally anti-blocking polytopes
    with Raman Sanyal
    accepted at Proceedings of the AMS
  • The clique graphs of the hexagonal lattice - an explicit construction and a short proof of divergence
    Discrete Mathematics (2024)
[open access]
  • Characterizing Clique Convergence for Locally Cyclic Graphs of Minimum Degree \(d\ge 6\)
    with Anna M. Limbach
    Discrete Mathematics (2024)
[open access]
  • Rigidity, Tensegrity and Reconstruction of Polytopes under Metric Constraints
    International Mathematics Research Notices (2023)
    This paper won the FSEM Post-Doctoral Research Prize 2024 from the University of Warwick
[open access]
  • (Random) Trees of Intermediate Volume Growth
    with George Kontogeorgiou
    Extended abstract published at Eurocomb (2023)
[extended abstract]
  • Capturing Polytopal Symmetries by Coloring the Edge-Graph
    Discrete & Computational Geometry (2023)
[open access]
  • Eigenpolytopes, Spectral Polytopes and Edge-Transitivity
  • The Edge-Transitive Polytopes that are not Vertex-Transitive
    with Frank Göring
    Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (2022)
  • Symmetric and Spectral Realizations of Highly Symmetric Graphs
  • Classification of Vertex-Transitive Zonotopes
    Discrete & Computational Geometry (2021)
[open access]
  • Geometry and Topology of Symmetric Point Arrangements
    Linear Algebra and its Applications (2021)
  • Vertex-Facet Assignments for Polytopes
    with Thomas Jahn
    Contributions to Algebra and Geometry (2020)
[open access]