

  • “The Stress-Flex Conjecture – A riddle of rigidity in coned polytopes” at the Kick-Off Workshop of the SPP 2458 “Combinatorial Synergies” (slides).
  • “Wachspress Coordinates - a bridge between algebra, geometry and combinatorics” at the Combinatorial Coworkspace in Kleinwalsertal (slides)
  • “Rigidity of Polyhedral Spheres beyond Triangulations” at Landscapes of Rigidity Workshop during the RICAM Special Semester on Rigidity and Flexibility in Linz (slides)
  • “Wachspress Objects and the Reconstruction of Convex Polytopes from Partial Data”, seminar talk during my visit at KTH Stockholm (slides)
  • “Kalai’s 3d Conjecture for Coordinate Symmetric Polytopes” at the Workshop on Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics in Santander (slides)


coming soon


coming soon


For slides and further information on older talks you can visit my previous website at Warwick.